About The Acrylic Mystic

The Acrylic Mystic's glasses
Like hell I'm sharing a photo of me, so here are my glasses.

Hello! Chances are that you are wondering who I am. Pretty much, I'm a middle-aged American woman who has liked The Beatles as far back as she can remember. My father was the one who introduced me to them (at least in this lifetime--I feel like I've been around far longer than this), and I always found them cool, despite the weird looks that others gave me when I was younger. I'm what I've seen some Beatles historians deem a "second-generation Beatles fan."

By no means would I call myself an expert about The Beatles. Though, I guess if you want to be generous, you could probably call me a George Harrison expert, as he has long been a special interest of mine. (And I do mean that in a neurodivergent sense of the term "special interest.")

Honestly, I'm the sort who rarely hangs out in the depths of fandoms, and instead, I tend to keep a safe distance, yet a watchful eye on what is happening. While, yes, that can be a tad lonely at times, I find it less lonely than being deep within the meat, as I'm the sort who tends to not like throwing memes around, labeling and boxing in the people often like doing, the general repetition, and so forth. I guess I seem like a grouchy contrarian to some, but that's definitely not my intention! My intention is to be genuine.

I go by "The Acrylic Mystic" on this blog and some other locations because despite my attempts at being authentic, I feel like a fraud of sorts in terms of my spiritual journey and other aspects of my life. (Imposter syndrome is a special sort of hell.) That, and I sometimes like to paint with acrylic paint. So I guess it isn't all bad!

If you'd like to contact me more directly, feel free to shoot me an e-mail at theacrylicmystic@afterthesavoytruffle.com.

This page was last updated on January, 9, 2025.

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